Meditating on Zechariah 7-11

Submit to His Kingship (Jan 24)

Zechariah addresses a question:
Should the remnant continue to
observe fasting to commemorate
the deportation to Babylon? God’s
answer: Justice & compassion are
more important that insincere fasts.
Zechariah then presents a glorious
picture of God’s future blessings
for the nation when there will be
feasting instead of fasting, a promise
designed to encourage the remnant
to live righteously in the present day.
Though horrible judgment would
fall on Israel’s neighbours, Israel
would be preserved for the long-
awaited day of her Messiah’s arrival.
The King of Zion would come riding
upon the colt of a donkey to defend
His people and defeat His enemies,
just as He promised. Yet in spite of
His offer of redemption, the King
would be rejected and betrayed.

The Messiah will come both to
rescue people from sin and to reign
as king. Everything will one day be
under His loving & powerful control.
The Messiah came as a servant
to die for us; and He will return
one day as a victorious king. Submit
to His lesdership now to be ready
for the king’s triumphant return.
Lord, we’ll Develop Heart of Worship.
Lord, we’ll Get Back to Work; and
Lord, we’ll Submit to Your Rule. Amen

Lord,we’ll develop heart of Worship:
Ask all the people of the land and
the priests: When you fasted and
mourned in the 5th and 7th months
for the past 70 years, was it really
for Me that you fasted? … Should
you not have obeyed the words
which the Lord proclaimed through
the former prophets (Zech 7:5-7).
Lord, help us to not get to the
point where we take You for granted.
Help us not take the things we do
for You lightly so that they lose
meaning in our heart. We know our
worshipping, praying and fasting
mean nothing to You if they mean
nothing to us. Help us do things
in a way that pleases You. Amen.

Lord, we will Get Back to Work:
Thus says the Lord of hosts:
Let your hands be strong…
that the temple might be built…
Among the… nations, Judah and
Israel became symbols of a cursed nation. But no longer! Now I will
rescue you and make you both
a symbol and a source of blessing.
So don’t be afraid. Be strong and
get on with rebuilding the Temple…
In these days I am determined to
do good to… the house of Judah.
Do not fear (Zechariah 8:9, 13-15).
Lord, please work in our family to
make us both a symbol and source
of blessing that comes thru Christ.
Make us strong so that we can get
on with being used by You Lord
to build Your spiritual Temple,
Your church in our day. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Submit to Your Rule:
Rejoice, O people of Zion! Shout
in triumph, O people of Jerusalem!
Look, your king is coming to you.
He is righteous and victorious,
yet He is humble, riding on a
donkey – riding on a donkey’s colt…
His dominion shall be from sea to
sea, and from the River to the ends
of the earth (Zechariah 9:9-10).
Lord, You came so gently and
humbly to us Your people. And
the world crucified You instead
of bowing to You. Forgive us.
Give us eyes to see that You Lord
are our good King and Master.
Overcome all resistance & rebellion.
Bring us under Your loving rule. Amen