Knowing God In Genesis 16

The God Who Sees Me (Jan 8)

Genesis 15-17 describes the
Abrahamic covenant as it was
given, confirmed and symbolized.
God’s promises to Abraham are
given in great detail, confirmed
with a unilateral treaty, repeated
and established by the sign of
circumcision. But as the years pass
with no evidence of fulfilment,
Abraham acts in foolish impatience.
The result is a son, Ishmael, who
will forever cause the heartbreak
of his father, constantly reminding
Abraham of the price of his unbelief.

Praise be to El Roi Who Sees Me:
Then the angel of the Lord told her,
“Go back to your mistress and
submit to her.” The angel added,
“I will increase your descendants so
much that they will be too numerous
to count.” The angel of the Lord
also said: You are now pregnant
and you will give birth to a son.
You shall name him Ishmael, for
the Lord has heard of your
misery… (Hagar) gave this name
to the Lord who spoke to her:
You are the God who sees me
(El Roi) for she said: I have seen the
One who sees me (Genesis 16:10-13)

Lord El Roi, when Hagar sat alone
and afraid in the desert, You made
Yourself known as the God who sees.
I praise You because You are not
a distant God who sits far off, and
isolated from those You have made.
Instead You see me, You are with
me and You care. Thank You Lord
for Your attentiveness to me and
for Your willingness to reveal
Yourself as the God who sees. Amen

El Roi, when I feel alone & forgotten,
please forgive me for neglecting
to acknowledge You. Forgive me
for grumbling when I don’t see
the One who sees me. Help me
to remember that You are there.
Yes, You are the God who sees
me in whatever situation I’m facing.
Pardon me failing to see God who
sees me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Lord El Roi, You see; and I ask You
to act on my behalf when You see
me being wronged unfairly. I ask
You to defend and vindicate me
when You see me accused unjustly.
I ask You Lord to see the diligence
and tenacity of my heart and open
doors for me that only You can open.
You see my heart and I pray now
what Nehemiah prayed long ago:
Remember me with favour. Amen.