Knowing God In Genesis 1

The Strong Creator God (Jan 5)

Overview: The first two chapters
of the Bible begin at “the beginning”.
Chapter I gives a concise overview
of the progress of creation event,
climaxing in the creation of man.
Chapter 2 takes a zoom-lens look
at day six. There the details emerge
of how God’s image-bearers were
created – man from the dust of
the ground and woman from his rib.
The stage is set, the characters
are in place, the drama can begin.

All Praise and honour be to Elohim:
In the beginning God (Elohim)
created the heavens & the earth.
The earth was without form and
void; and darkness was on the face
of the deep. And the Spirit of God
was hovering over the face of the
waters. Then God said: Let there be
light & there was light (Gen 1:1-3).
Then God said: Let the waters
under the heavens be gathered
together into one place and let the
dry land appear; and it was so (v9).
Then God said: Let the earth bring
forth the living creature according
to its kind… and it was so (v24).

Lord Elohim, You are the Strong
Creator God. By Your strong arm
the ocean depths came about
and the mountains arose.
Your great imagination gave
the elephant its long trunk and
the leopard its beautiful spots.
We praise You for the greatness
of Your creative ingenuity & adore
You for the fullness of Your power.
And we honour You Lord for indeed
You alone had made all things. Amen

Elohim Creator God, forgive us
for often being too busy and
not stopping to be awed by the
masterpiece of Your creation, like
the gentle breeze & chirping birds.
Forgive us for sometimes doubting
where we should have trust You.
We have not always seen You in
the light of Your greatness; and
sometimes we make You seem
much smaller than You truly are.
For that, we are truly sorry. Amen.

Elohim, create great things for me
to walk in. Create positions where
You merge my passion, experience,
skills and interests together so that
I can fulfil the calling U have for me.
Create in my heart a purity that is
peaceful and appealing to those
around me. Give me all that
I need to live out the path You
have planned & guide me into it.
Thank You Lord Elohim, for being
the Strong Creator God. Amen.