Meditating on Nehemiah 3-4

Rallying the Workers (Jan 3)

Like the earlier reconstruction
efforts under Zerubbabel and Ezra,
Nehemiah’s rebuilding corps faces
opposition both from without and
within. As the walls begin to rise,
so does opposition from leaders
in surrounding provinces. For each
problem, Nehemiah seeks and
finds a God-honouring solution.
Ridicule is handled with prayer;
threats of violence are dealt with by
preparation; discouragement is met
with example of faith in God’s power.

After the work began, Nehemiah
faced scorn, slander and threats
from enemies as well as fear,
conflict and discouragement from
his own workers. Although these
problems were tough, they did
not stop Nehemiah from finishing
the work. When difficulties come,
there is a tendency for conflict and
discouragement to set in. We must
recognise that there are no triumphs
without troubles. When problems
arise, we must face them squarely
and press on to complete God’s work
Lord, we will Withstand Challenges;
Lord, we will Watch & Pray; and
Lord, we will Support One Another.

Lord, we will Withstand Challenges:
When Sanballat heard that we were
rebuilding the wall, he became
angry and was greatly incensed.
He ridiculed the Jews and said:
What are those feeble Jews doing?..
Hear us O our God for we are
disposed. Do not cover up their guilt
or blot out their sins from their sight,
for they have thrown insults in the
face of the builders. So we rebuilt
the wall till all of it reached half
its height, for the people worked
with all their heart (Neh 4:1-6).
Lord, we realise when doing Your
work that ridicule may follow as well.
Teach us what to do and give us
grace and power to fulfil the same.
May we never forget to pray for
more things are accomplished
by prayer than we realise. Amen.

Lord, we will Watch & Pray:
The walls of Jerusalem were
beginning to be closed, that they
became very angry. And all of
them conspired together to attack
Jerusalem and create confusion.
But we prayed to our God and
posted a guard day and night
to meet this threat (Neh 4:7-9).
Lord, help me to be watchful
in prayer so that I am always aware
of what I am supposed to be doing;
and understand what I am not
supposed to be doing. Help me
to pray without ceasing so that
I can stand guard agst every plan
of the enemy against me. Amen.

Lord, we will Support One Another:
When our enemies heard that
we were aware of their plot and
that God had frustrated it, we all
returned to the wall… From that day
on, half of my men did the work
while the other half were equipped
with spears, shields, bows & armour…
Those who carried materials did
their work with one hand and held
weapon in the other, and each of
the builders wore His sword at
his side as he worked… Wherever
you hear the sound of the trumpet,
rally to us there. Our God will
fight for us (Nehemiah 4:15-20).
Lord, Learnt from Nehemiah that
teamwork was crucial to complete
the wall. So he organised the
workers together to support each
other as a team; half the men
worked while the other stood guard.
It is also reassuring to know warning
will be issued when needed & that
ready help will be coming. Amen.