Experiencing God in Rev 2-3

Go Back to First Love (Dec 28)

John writes to the seven churches
in Asia Minor to address their
scriptural need. Each message
begins with the expression:
I know thy works; each contains
a promise: to him that overcometh;
each concludes with the warning:
He that hath ear, let him hear what
the Spirit says to the churches.
In short, John sends words of
reproof and reassurance from
Jesus Christ, the Alpha & Omega.

Lord, we’ll Come Back to First Love:
I know all about the things you do.
I have seen your hard work and
your patient endurance… But
I have this complaint against you.
You don’t love Me or each other
as you did at first! Look how far
you have fallen from your first love!
Turn back to Me again (Rev 2:2-5)
To him who overcomes I will give…
a white stone and on the stone
a new name written (Rev 2:17).
As many as I love, I rebuke & chasten.
Therefore be zealous and repent.
Behold I stand at the door & knock.
If anyone hears My voice and opens
the door I’ll come in to him(R3:19-20)

Lord, I confess been doing a lot
for You; but have somewhat ease
the simple devotion of loving You.
Grateful You are ever calling me
back to intimacy with You; with
Your arms open wide to receive me.
Help me to once again abandon
myself to You, to experience Your
unfailing love for me, and to live in
pure devotion to Your heart. Amen.

Lord, You do give people new names
including Simon/Peter & Saul/Paul.
For those who felt defined by their
past baggage, this is good news.
For the name You give will not be
based on something we can earn.
It will be rooted in Christ’s identity
and reflect who we were created to
be: children of God with inheritance
in the kingdom for eternity. Amen.

Lord, we will Draw Near to You;
For You are always near and
always desirous of our attention.
Forgive me for the times I ignore
or push You to the edges of my life;
for You deserve the central place.
Whenever I hear You calling and
knocking, help me to open myself
to You so that we can enjoy intimacy
together. Draw me Close to U. Amen