Meditating on Esther 1-2 (Dec 5)

Trusting in God’s Sovereignty

Esther is more than a story about
heroism. It is the story of how God
controls the destinies of people
and nations in spite of harrowing
circumstances and opposition.
Esther reads like today’s news:
national intrigue, political unrest,
attempted assassination. And over
it all, the sovereign hand of God
is at work in the lives of His people,
placing Esther in the palace and
Mordecai’s name in the Persian
chronicles “for such a time as this.

With God in charge, we can take
courage; for He can guide us
through the circumstances we face
in our lives. We should expect God
to display His power in carrying
out His will. As we unite our life’s
purposes to God’s purposes, we
benefit from His sovereign care.
Lord, we Trust In Your Wisdom.
Lord, we Trust In Your Power; and
Lord, we Trust In Your Timing. Amen

Lord, we Trust In Your Wisdom:
On the seventh day of the feast,
when King Xerxes was in high spirit
because of the wine, he told the
eunuchs to bring Queen Vashti…
He wanted the nobles… to gaze on
her beauty…But when they conveyed
the king’s order…she refused to
come. This made the king furious…
He consulted his advisers … What
must be done to Queen Vashti?..
Memucan answered the king: Queen
Vashti has wronged not only the king
but also every noble and citizen…
So… we suggest that you issue a
written decree… that cannot be
revoked. Order that Queen Vashti
be banished… and that the king
should choose another queen
more worthy than she (Esth 1:10-19)
Lord, help us not to make rush
decisions based purely on feelings
for poor decisions are then made.
Help us made decisions through
careful thinking not at the spur of
the moment & after consulting
Your advice for You are all knowing.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we Trust In Your Power:
As a result of the king’s decree,
Esther along with many other young
women was brought to the king’s
harem… Hegai was very impressed
with Esther and treated her kindly.
He quickly ordered a special menu
for her and provided her with beauty
treatments… Esther had not told
anyone of her nationality and family
background, because Mordecai
had directed her not to do so…
Esther was taken to King Xerxes
at the royal palace… And the king
loved Esther more than any of the
other young women. He was so
delighted with her that he set
the royal crown on her head and
declared her queen (Esth 2:8-17).
Lord, we may not be able to see
God’s purpose in our situation.
But we know God is in control and
He goes ahead preparing the way.
In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

Lord, we Trust In Your Timing:
To celebrate the occasion, King
Xerxes gave a great banquet in
Esther’s honour for all his nobles
and officials, declaring a public
holiday for the provinces and
giving generous gifts to everyone.
Even after all the young women
had been transferred to the second
harem and Mordecai had become
a place official, Esther continued
to keep her family background and
nationality a secret. She was still
following Mordecai’s directions,
just as she did when she lived
in his home (Esther 2:16-20).
Lord, we learn from Esther that it
is our responsibility to identify as
God’s people. But we also realise
the need to win the right to be heard
and ensure the timing is right before
we speak. When God gives us the
opportunity, help us Lord to carefully
and lovingly share what we believe.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.