Meditating on Matthew 8-11

Join Mission of Kingdom (Nov 14)

Backgrounder: Jesus came
to earth to begin his kingdom.
Matthew focuses on 10 miracles
in c8&9 that demonstrate Jesus’
power over disease, the forces
of nature and the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power & authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to
act, then warns them of the
dangers they will face, as He calls
them to committed discipleship.

Dear Father God, You sent Christ
Jesus not only to be our Saviour
but also to be our Master and King.
Lord Jesus, You have called us to
committed discipleship and to be
Your ambassadors of the kingdom.
Lord with Your help, we purpose
to fulfil the Mission of the kingdom.
Lord, help us Trust Your Word.
Lord, help us Be Compassionate.
Lord, help us Respond to Your Call.
Lord, help us Cast Burdens on You.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, help us Trust Your Word:
When Jesus saw the crowd…
He gave orders to Cross to the
Other Side of the lake… Jesus
got into the boat with His disciples.
Suddenly, a terrible storm came up,
with wave breaking into the boat.
But Jesus was sleeping. The
disciples went to Him and woke Him
up, shouting Lord, Save us! We’re
going to drown! And Jesus answered:
Why are you afraid? You have
So Little Faith (Matt 8:18-26).
Lord, we can forget that it’s You who
told us to go to the other side, and
You rule over the storms in our lives.
Increase our faith so that in the
midst of turbulence we’ll not panic
but will Trust You to Care for us.
Let our spirits be able to rest for
Your presence is greater than any
circumstance we will face. Amen.

Lord, help us Respond to Your Call:
Wherever Jesus went, He healed
people of every sort of illness.
He felt great compassion for the
crowds that came because their
problems were so great and they
didn’t know where to go for help.
They were like sheep without a
shepherd. He said to His disciples:
The harvest is so great but the
workers are so few. So ask pray
to the Lord and ask Him to send
out more workers (Matt 9:35-38).
Lord, we pray that You will send
labourers who will bring Your
transforming power to the lives
of people who don’t know You.
Let us not be self-centred but be
compassionate enough to be open
to join U in the harvest fields. Amen

Lord, help us Cast Burdens on You:
Then Jesus said: Come to Me,
all of you who are weary and
carry heavy burdens, and I’ll give
you rest. Take My yoke upon you.
Let Me teach you and you will
find rest for your souls. For My
yoke fits perfectly and the burden
I give you is light (Matt 11:28-30).
Lord, thank You for Your offer to
carry my burdens for me. I give
them all to You and gladly receive
Your rest! Teach me Your wisdom
and help me to walk in the ways
You set before me. Thank You
for inviting me to live my life
resting and trusting in You. Amen.