Meditating on Lamentations 1-3

Consider In Adversity (Sep 19)

In Lamentations prophet Jeremiah
expresses in poetry his emotions
over the tragic fall of Jerusalem.
The book consists of five poems.
The prophet begins by weeping
over Jerusalem in the midst of her
destruction. But through his tears,
Jeremiah turns his heart to view
the sovereign God behind it all.
As he considers God’s Control
of human affairs, Jeremiah is able
to shout victoriously: Great is thy
faithfulness (3:23) as he intercedes
for the restoration of the nation
after its punishment is complete.

God’s warnings are justified; for
He does what He says He will do
and His punishment for sin is certain.
To continue in rebellion against
God is surely to invite disaster.
Only by confession and renouncing
our sin can we turn to holy God
for deliverance and restoration.
Lord, we Repent of Sinful Ways.
Lord, we Consider In Adversity.
Lord, we Hope for New Beginning.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Lord, we Repent of Sinful Ways:
Jerusalem’s streets once bustling
with people are now silent. Like
a widow broken with grief, she sits
alone in her mourning. Once the
queen of nations, she’s now a slave…
Judah has been led away into
captivity, afflicted and enslaved…
For the Lord has punished Jerusalem
for her many sins. Her children
have been captured and taken
away to distant lands (Lam 1:1-5)
The Lord is righteous yet I rebelled
against His command (Lam 1:18).
Some of the loneliest places are
those once busy but now empty
like now in the streets of the cities.
Whilst Christ Jesus warns us not
to see judgment in every tragedy,
but nevertheless such scenes remind
us of the need to be right with God.
Lord, we need to put right with You
not out of fear of punishment but
blockage of love relationship with U.
Forgive us of our sins and restore
us the joy of our salvation. Amen.

Lord, we Consider In Adversity:
The Lord has done what He
purposed; He has Fulfilled
His Word. And He has caused
an enemy to rejoice over you…
Arise, cry out in the night, as the
watches of the night begin; pour
out your heart like water in the
presence of the Lord. Lift up
your hands to Him (Lam 2:17-19).
Lord, I pour out my heart before
You regarding the things in my life
that cause me grief. I lift my hands
to You because You are my hope
and Your compassion never fails.
Heal me of all emotional pain, and
use the sorrow I have suffered
for good. I pray in Your presence
I will find restoration. And being
comforted by You, I will be in the
position to comfort others. Amen.

Lord, we Hope for New Beginning:
I will never forget this awful time,
as I grieve over my loss. Yet I still
dare to hope when I remember this:
The faithful love of the Lord never
ends! His mercies never cease.
Great is His faithfulness; His
mercies begin afresh each morning.
I say to myself: The Lord is my
inheritance; therefore, I will
hope in Him!! (Lam 3:20-24).
Lord, when the sorrow of this life
overwhelms me, may I turn to
You Lord to pour out lament and
gain perspective rather than turning
away from You and becoming bitter.
Fill me with hope that comes from
the promise of Your faithful love;
Your abundant mercy and the
inheritance that is to come. Amen.