Post of the Week (Habakkuk 2-3)

Waiting Upon God thro Hard Times

Habakkuk prophesies in Judah
before its overthrow by Babylonia. Honestly concerned with how God could chasten Judah by means of
a nation even more sinful than itself,
Habakkuk deals with perplexing
questions: Why is a just God silent? Why do pleas of the faithful seem
to go unheard? The reply comes in the statement of a timeless principle
of God’s sovereignty: God will deal with the wicked in His way and
in His time. Meanwhile righteous
people must continue to trust God.

Lord, we Trust by Waiting on You:
I will stand my watch & set myself
on the watch tower. And watch
to see what He will say to me…
Then the Lord answered me:
The vision is yet for an appointed
time; but at the end it will speak,
and it will not lie. Though it tarries,
Wait for it; because it will surely
come, it will not tarry. Behold the
proud… is not upright; but the just
shall live by his Faith (Hab 2:1-4).
Though the fig trees does not bud,
there are no grapes on the vines
and the olive crop fails… yet I will
rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful
in God my Savior. The Sovereign
Lord is my strength (Hab 3:17-19).

Lord, we note that to trust God
fully means to trust Him even
when we do not understand
why events occur as they do.
Help us to live by Faith by Waiting
upon You and trust that You God
will direct all things according
to Your purpose, Your way and
Your time. In Jesus’ precious name.

Lord, I have “heard all about You
and I am filled with awe by the
amazing things You have done.”
In our time of deep need, begin
again to help us as U did in years
gone by. Show us Your power to
save us. No matter what happens,
whether I see prayers answered,
I purpose to hold on In Faith.
And may my heart rejoice in You;
for You are my strength. Amen.

Oh Sovereign Lord, we need You.
Our strength is limited; but Your strength is endless. Fill us and empower us; enable us to do
all that You have called us to do.
May the same Spirit that raised
Jesus from the dead give us life
and strength to make thro all the
dark winters we are facing and
bear much fruit in Your time. Amen