Meditating on Isaiah 49-51

Pathway to Restoration (July 4)

For the people of God, the path of
restoration is the path of servant-
hood and suffering. There is coming
One who will pardon iniquity and
will restore righteousness to Zion.
In contrast to the rebellion of Israel,
this Servant will come willingly
and humbly to offer Himself
as a sacrifice for many (50:6).
Therefore, the faithful ones are
called upon to hearken to God’s
voice for righteousness is near.

Father God, we praise You that
You are Holy but yet Loving and
that You plan Restoration for Man.
Lord Jesus, Thank You for paying
the price for our sins, pardoning
us and restoring righteousness.
Lord, we appreciate Your Comfort.
Lord, we appreciate Your Guidance.
Lord,we appreciate Your Deliverance.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we appreciate Your Comfort:
Short for joy, you heavens; rejoice you earth; burst into song you mountains! For the Lord comforts
His people and will have compassion
on His afflicted ones (Isa 49:13).
I would not forget you! See I have
written your name on the palm
of my hands (Isaiah 49:15-16).
Lord, I need Your comfort; for the
hurt goes deep. I need to know
that there is a purpose for the pain.
I need to know it will not be wasted.
I need to feel the comfort that only
You the compassionate can give.
Lord, thanks for choosing me,
thank You for holding me close;
and thank You for writing my
name on the palms of Your hands.
Lord, out of gratitude, I purpose
to spend the rest of my life loving
You with all that I have got. Amen.

Lord, we appreciate Your Guidance:
Morning by morning U awaken me,
waken my ear to listen as those
who are taught. The Lord God
has opened My ear and I was not rebellious, nor did I turn away…
For the Lord God will help Me;
therefore I will not be disgraced…
If you are walking in darkness, with
-out a ray of light, trust in the Lord
and rely on your God (Isa 50:4-10).
Lord, I do want an undivided heart
for the natural tendency of my heart
is independence & stray from You.
Renew the singular focus of my
heart with affection toward You.
Guide my mind away from what
that will make me double-minded.
Grant me strength to choose good
when my affections are divided. And
Lord I trust when I am lost and can’t
see light, that You will lead me into
places of peace & abundance.Amen

Lord,we appreciate Your Deliverance:
Listen to me, all who hope for
deliverance, all who seek the Lord!..
The Lord will comfort Israel again
and have pity on her ruins. Her
desert will blossom like Eden…
Joy & gladness will be found there…
Listen to me my people… My mercy and justice are coming soon. My salvation is on the way (Isa 51:1-5).
Those who have been ransomed
by the Lord will return. They will
enter Jerusalem singing, crowned
with everlasting joy. Sorrow and
mourning will disappear & they will
be filled with joy and gladness (v11).
Lord, Thank You for being with us,
helping us & delivering us from evil.
Thank You for the joy & gladness
of having been ransomed by You.
And we surrender our lives to You.
In Jesus’mighty name we pray.Amen