Reflection on Romans (Sep 24)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of the apostolic letter
of Romans is to introduce Paul as
well as to give a sample of his key
message before he arrives in Rome.
On Monday, we learn from Rom 1
that there’s Power of God in Gospel.
On Tuesday, we learn from Rom 3
that God Liberates Us from Sin.
On Wed, we learn from Rom 5
that God Uses Trials for Good.
On Thursday, we learn from Rom 8
that Spirit Helps in our Distresses.
On Friday, we learn from Rom 12
that God Transforms & Renews Us.
On Saturday, we learn from Rom 15
that God Imparts Confident Hope.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
for You truly keep Your promises
and there’s power in the gospel;
for You not only free us from sin
but also renew and transform us;
for You use trials for good, impart
confident hope & help in distresses.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.