Reflection on the Minor Prophets

Trusting God thru His Promises

The 12 Minor Prophets cover a time
span of 400 years (800-400 BC).
Theologically, they focus on warnings on impending judgment,
teachings on righteous living,
encouragement to the faithful and
oppressed, and God’s future plans.
On Monday, we learn from Hos 2
that God Protects His People.
On Tuesday, we learn from Hos 11
that God is both Loving & Faithful.
On Wed, we learn from Hosea 14
that God Gives Hope & Restores.
On Thursday we learn from Joel 2
that God Restores Past Losses.
On Friday, we learn from Obadiah
that God Protects & Saves His Pple.
On Sat, we learn from Jonah 3/4
that God Is Compassionate to us.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
for You truly keep Your promises;
for You protect, save & restore us;
for You are loving and faithful as well as compassionate towards us. Amen