Reflection on Isaiah 40-49 (July 16)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of the prophetic book of Isaiah is to call the nation of Judah back to God and to tell of God’s salvation thru the Messiah.
On Monday, we learn fr Isa 40 that
God Comforts & Renews Strength.
On Tuesday, we learn from Isaiah 42
that Christ the Light to the Nations.
On Wed, we learn from Isaiah 43
that God Helps You Thrugh Trial.
On Thu, we learn from Isaiah 44/45
that God Calls, Helps & Saves You.
On Friday, we learn from Isaiah 46
that God Cares & Sustains You.
On Sat, we learn from Isaiah 49
that the Lord Is Your Saviour.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
for You comfort, call, care, help, strengthen and sustain Your people;
for You are the Light of the Nations
as well as the Saviour of the World;
for You truly keep Your promises;
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.