Trusting God In Isaiah 44/45 (Jul 13)

God Calls, Helps & Saves You

In amazing collection of specific
prophecies (chap 44-48) Isaiah
foretells the agent of comfort God
will use in delivering His people
(Cyrus, king of Persia) and the
means of comfort God will employ
(destruction of adulterous Babylon).
Isaiah taunts those who would
put their trust in mere images of
stone and wood. And God declares
I am God and there is none like me.

Lord, You Call, Help & Save Us:
Yet hear now… Israel whom I
have chosen. Thus says the Lord
who made you and formed you…
who will help you. Fear not
O Jacob… whom I have chosen…
I will pour My Spirit on your descendants and my blessing
on your offspring (Isaiah 44:1-3).
For… Israel My elect, I have called
you by your name… I am the Lord
and there is no other; There is
no God besides Me. I will gird you…
that they may know that there
is none besides Me. I am the Lord
and there is no other (Isa 45:4-6).
Look to Me and be saved…
I have sworn by Myself;
the Word has gone out of My mouth… shall not return (v23-24).

Lord, we have been chosen by
You God to be Your own children.
You actually picked me to be
part of Your family. You have
recreated me in righteousness and
help me in every area of my life.
You proclaim blessings on all
that I have and prosper my hand.
And God I receive Your promise
to pour Your Spirit and blessings
on my children. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, You have summoned me
by name and has bestowed
honour on me. You Lord chose me
from among the people of the earth.
You strengthen me in the power
of Your might so that I may fulfill
the calling You have given me.
From the rising of the sun to
its setting, people will see what
the Lord is doing in my life. Amen.

Father God, we’re redeemed and
reborn as Your own son/daughter.
And we willingly and joyfully bow
to You the Lord of heaven and earth.
All of our righteousness & strength
Lord are to be found solely in You.
And we take great comfort that
Your word will not return void
but holds true; for Your word is
ever true as well as Yes and Amen.