Trusting God In Prov 16 (Jun 15)

The Lord Directs Our Plans

Backgrounder on Proverbs 14-17:
Nowhere is wisdom more essential
than in community relationships.
A heart attitude controlled by
the fear of the Lord is the key to
proper response towards others.
To promote peace with others,
commit to godliness in motives
and thots, tongue & temper as
well as plans, paths and pursuits.

Lord, You will Direct our Plans:
People may be pure in their
own eyes, but the Lord examines
their motives. Commit to the Lord
whatever you do, and He will
establish your plans (Prov 16:2-3).
When the ways of people please
the Lord, He makes even their
enemies live at peace with them…
We can make our plans, but the
Lord determines our steps (v7-9).
He who heeds the word wisely
will find good, and whoever
trusts in the Lord, happy is he…
We may throw the dice but the Lord
determines how they fall (v20,33).

Lord, You want us to submit our
plans to You for approval before
we act; for in this way, we show our
love for You and submission to You.
Forgive us that sometimes we make
plans without consulting You God
for we simply want our own way. 
Grateful You are so keen in my life
that I can talk to U whenever I want.
Thank You Lord for helping me to
set plans and establish them. Amen.

Loving Lord, we thank You God
that You are always carefully
managing the details of our life. 
Your purpose always prevails,
even though we’re prone to forget
that & may make our own plans.
But then the Lord determines
and directs the steps of the godly
towards a good outcome. Amen.

Lord, we tend to like to throw the
dice, taking control of things and
looking to You as our last resource.
Lord, we often go to You because
we really have nowhere else to go.
But in Your mercy, cause us to learn
that the storms of life has driven us,
not upon the rock, but to goodness.
Help us Lord to Heed Your Word
and Trust wholly in You. Amen.