Trusting God In Psalm 107

God Helps His People (May 29)

There is plenty to sing about in
Ps 107-110. First comes the song
of the Redeemed (Ps 107), then
a song dedicated to the God of
might & glory (Ps 108) and a song
of lament over the slanderous
attacks of an enemy (Ps 109).
But how can you sing when the
godless are seemingly getting
away with murder? Remember
with the psalmist David that
the Lord is king (Psalm 110).

Lord, You Help Your People:
O give thanks to the Lord,
for He is good! For His mercy
endures forever. Let the redeemed
of the Lord say so (Ps 107:1-2).
Some wandered in the desert,
lost & homeless. Hungry & thirsty,
they nearly died. Lord, Help!
they Cried in their trouble and He
Rescued them from their distress…
Let them Praise the Lord for his
great love & for all his wonderful
deeds to them. For He satisfies
the longing soul, and fills the
hungry soul with goodness (v4-9)
Fools because of their transgression
were afflicted…Then they cried out
to the Lord in their trouble, and He
saved them out of their distresses.
And delivered them fr destructions.
Oh that men would give thanks to
the Lord for His goodness (v17-21).

Lord, I will recall all the ways
that You have been faithful and
gracious to me. Remind me when
I forget Your wonderful deeds.
Call Your work to my attention,
anchor it in my memory; and 
I will recall & Cry to You for help.
Help me Lord trust that You will
come to my rescue; and I will
Praise Your love & mercy. Amen

Lord, You take care of Your people
and Your workers in amazing ways.
You promise to meet our needs
and the truth is that You simply do.
Although it might not be in the way that we wish, but it will be done.
Help us Lord to Trust in You
and not let the evil one influence
and tell us otherwise. Amen.

Lord, help us to Be Wise and
take all this to heart so that
we will Observe in the history of
Your people & in our own history
“the faithful love of the Lord”.
Help us lift up our eyes and See
the incredible things You do in
response to our wholehearted
Cries for help. At our wit’s end,
Lord, glorify Yourselves. Amen.