Trusting God In Job 40/42 (Apr 15)

Almighty God Is Trustworthy

Instead of answering Job’s
questions directly, God asks Job
a series of questions that no human
can possibly answer. Job responds
by recognising God’s ways are best.
In response, Job humbles himself.
God rebukes the three friends for
adding to Job’s suffering by their
false assumptions and criticisms.
Job’s material possessions and
family are restored and he receives
even greater blessings than before.

Lord, we put our Trust in You:
The Lord said to Job: Do you still
want to argue with the Almighty?…
Then Job replied… I am nothing…
I have said too much already.
I have nothing more to say.
Then the Lord spoke to Job out
of the storm: Would you discredit
My justice? Would you condemn
Me to justify yourself? Do you
have an arm like God’s (Job 40:1-9)
Then Job replied to the Lord:
I know that You can do anything
and no one can stop You. You ask:
Who is this that questions My
wisdom with such ignorance?
It is I. And I was talking about
things I did not understand.
I take back everything I said
and I sit in dust and ashes to
show my repentance (Job 42:1-6)
When Job prayed for his friends,
the Lord restored his fortunes.
In fact, the Lord gave him twice
as much as before (v10-13).

Lord, Your answer to Job shows You
are in control & Only U Understand
why the good are allowed to suffer.
We realize Lord that regardless
of what we think is fair, You will
still do what You Know is best.
We confess we cannot question
Your fairness or ability to perform.
And we submit and give You Lord
the chance to reveal Your greater
purpose in Your way & time. Amen.

Lord, when Job was down and
nothing else was left, he still had
God and that was enough for him.
Help us Lord to accept what
You allow to happen in our lives.
Help us to love You regardless
of whether You allow blessing
or suffering to come to our life.
Help us maintain a humble posture
and not question Your wisdom.
Help us Put Our Trust in You. Amen

Lord, in our fallen world, suffering
may come to good and bad alike.
Knowing You are in control, we
will not question Your sovereignty.
Whilst we don’t know the reasons
for the trial, we Trust You God
with our unanswered questions
and turn to You for strength.
For those who Persist Trusting
God will be rewarded. Amen.