Trusting God In 1 Chronicles 29

God Our Source of Wealth (Mar 18)

David ends his life the same way
he began it with humble confidence
in God. In spite of his numerous
accomplishments, David never
let greatness go to his head.
Rather, his final words to Solomon
reflect the same wholehearted
devotion to God that characterised
the young shepherd of Judea.
With the dream of temple entrusted
to his son, and God’s blessings all
around him, David dies in a good old
age, full of days, riches & honor and
Solomon his son reigns in his stead.

Lord, You’re our Source of Wellness:
King David turned to assembly and
said: Because of my devotion to the
Temple of God I am giving all of my
own private treasures of gold and
silver to help in the construction.
This is in addition to the building
materials I have collected for
His holy temple (1 Chron 29:3-6).
Yours O Lord is the greatness, the
power, the glory and the majesty.
Yours is the kingdom O Lord
And You are the exalted over all.
Wealth and honour come from You..
In Your hands are strength & power
to exalt and give strength to all…
We give You Thanks and Praise
Your glorious name (v11-13).
Give to Solomon my son a perfect
heart to keep thy commandments…
and to do all these things… for
which I have made provision (v19).

Father, You make all things great;
and You Lord rule over our life.
You are the source of all good
things – wealth, power and honour.
What do we have Lord that did not
receive from You? That include life.
In appreciation, help us Lord
learn from King David to contribute
towards building of Your church
and furthering Your kingdom. Amen.

Lord, though something may not be
that great, You’ve been good to us!
We remember the truth in Jas 1:17
that every good gift is from above;
and wealth & honour come fr You.
Surely You God alone deserve
all our praise and thanksgiving.
For Lord, Yours is the greatness,
the power, the glory & the majesty.
We adore You the One who is over
all things. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I thank and praise
You for all that You have given me.
Prompt me Lord to give back to
You with the same heart of praise
I have when I receive from You.
Help me not to value possessions
more than value You and Your word.
Enable me Lord to give the way
You want me to. In Jesus’ name.