Trusting God In Deuteronomy 2

Trust God for His Provision

In the first of 3 sermons to the
nation, Moses begins with review
of the past, including His Provision.
God had promised His people
a new homeland, but Israel failed
to possess it because of unbelief.
For 40 years they had wandered
and died. Now with the passing
of that unbelieving generation,
God has led the nation in victories
over Sihon & Og, bringing them to
the threshold of the land again.

Lord, we ask for Your Provision:
The LORD your God has blessed
you in all that you have done;
He has known your wanderings
through this great wilderness.
These forty years the LORD your
God has been with you; you have
not lacked a thing (Deut 2:7) Amen

Lord, You will provide for our needs
just as You provided for the needs
of Your people Israel in their
journey to the promised land.
For we look up to You Father God
with open hands as Your children,
and ask that You will supply all
our needs according to Your riches
in glory in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19)
Thanks for taking care of us. Amen

Lord, You are the All-Sufficient One
You are Johovah Jireh the Provider
who will provide all that we need.
You are my source of Wisdom.
If I lack wisdom, I can ask God,
who gives generously to me.
You are my Guide when I’m
unsure of what to do, You will
instruct me in the way I should go .
You are my Healer for You are the
one who heals all my diseases.
And You are my Strength and
power when I am weak. Amen.

Heavenly Father, Thank You for
the gift of Provision of needs
that carries us through 2022.
As we start the first full week of
the new lunar year, we approach 
with some concerns, and we lift
up our hands to You & surrender
them into Your Hands, trusting
in Your Goodness, Power and
Faithfulness to Your people. Amen