Trusting God in Gen 37/41 (Jan 7)

God Fulfils Promised Vision

Backgrounder to Genesis 37-41:
Though the favourite son of his
father Jacob, Joseph alienates
himself from his brothers by his
forthrightness of his two dreams.
Envy grows into hatred until finally
the brothers sell him into slavery.
Taken to Egypt, Joseph suffers
injustice at the hands of Potiphar’s
wife and later from forgetful butler.
Through it all, God has a good plan
for both Joseph as well as Israel.
A difficult dream sent by God to
Pharaoh jars the memory of the
chief butler; and Joseph is promoted
from prisoner to prime minister
because of his God-given insight.

Lord, we’ll Wait for Your Promise:
(Joseph) dreamed another dream.
This time the sun, the moon and 11
stars bowed down to me (Gen 37:9)
Pharaoh said to Joseph: “I had
a dream last night and no one here
can tell me what it means. But I’ve
heard that when you hear about
a dream you can interpret it.”
It is beyond my power to do this,
Joseph replied. But God can tell
you what it means (Gen 41:15-16).
The dreams of Pharaoh are one;
God has shown Pharaoh what He
is about to do… And the dream
was repeated to Pharaoh because
God will shortly bring it to pass….
Pharaoh said since God has revealed
the meaning of the dreams to you,
clearly no one is as wise as you are.
You will be in charge of my court
and all my people will take orders
from you (Gen 41:25-32 & 39-40).

Heavenly Father, thank You
for Your good plan for mankind.
Help us Persevere by Waiting for
fulfilment of promise like Joseph.
Help us Trust You for challenges
even as we give our scars to You;
for You intended for good. And
Lord help us to see life problems
thru Your eyes and for Your glory.
Thanks be to You God who is able
to keep us from stumbling. Amen!

Lord, You have a solution for
every problem in the world and
every problem that we may face.
Share Your ideas Lord with us,
and we will avail to act on them
so that we can be a blessing to
others and further Your kingdom.
Put us in divine appointments,
and help us Lord to see life through
Your eyes & for Your glory. Amen.

Lord, grant Be Thou Our Vision
just as the life of Joseph points to
Your presence and providence.
We learn You don’t just speak into
individual lives or immediate future
for Your agenda is much broader.
When we listen for Your voice,
help us Lord listen with Your grand purpose & long-term frame of mind.
Raise our vision beyond self needs
into Yr purpose & assignment. Amen