Seeking God In Acts 10/12 (Oct 29)

Pray to Tap the Power of God

Jerusalem… Judea… Samaria (1:8).
Now God sets the stage for the gospel advance to the end of the earth.
With the conversion of Cornelius,
the outreach of the church is
enlarged to include Gentiles as well.
But it takes an unusual vision,
a stubborn vessel (Peter) and
a well-timed visit to break down
centuries of deep-seated prejudice.
The enemies of the gospel are
also on the march, as seen in the
imprisonment of Peter – an attempt
to stem the growth of the church.

Lord, we will Tap to Your Power: 
The next day as Cornelius’
messengers were nearing the city,
Peter went up to the roof to Pray.
It was about noon, and he was hungry..
He saw the sky open and a large sheet
was laid down. In it were all sorts of
animals and birds… Then a voice said:
If God says something is acceptable,
don’t say it isn’t (Acts 10:9-15).
(Herod) arrested Peter during the
Passover celebration and imprisoned
him, placing him under the guard
of four squads of four soldiers each.
Herod’s intention was to bring Peter
out for public trial after the Passover.
While Peter was in prison, the church
Prayed very earnestly for him…
Suddenly, there was a bright light
in the cell, and an angel of the Lord
stood before Peter… And the chains
fell off his wrists (Acts 12:3-7).

Lord, thanks for the book of Acts
which records the growth of the
church, aided by the Holy Spirit.
We see that the Almighty God
can work through any challenge.
Help us to realise that hostility
may come about because we
have been faithful witnesses.
Help us to seize opportunities;
help us Tune In to Your Plan &
help us Tap to Your Power. Amen

Lord, we can’t expect to hear Your
messages if we are not in Your
presence which is such a privilege.
Open my eyes and ears O Lord
to what is on Your heart for me.
Although what You want to say
is sometimes hard to understand,
give me a heart of obedience to
what You want to impress on me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord God Almighty, thank You
for Your wonder-working power.
We were once locked in a prison
of darkness to Your truth and light.
Thanks for shining the light of Your
truth into our heart & free us from sin.
Use us Lord to share the truth of Your
great power with others who need
to know the freedom in Christ.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.