Seeking God In Acts 6 (Oct 27)

Be Devoted to Word & Prayer

Visited by their resurrected Lord
and empowered by the promised
Comforter, the disciples fearlessly
follow their marching orders.
The advance of the gospel is
soon opposed by adversaries.
Attacks from without and within
threaten to fracture the body
of believers in Jerusalem. But
prompt discipline, wise leadership
and unflinching commitment
only serve to enlarge the church.

Lord, we Seek You In Word & Prayer:
But as the believers rapidly
multiplied, there were rumblings
of discontent. The Greek-speaking
believers complained about the
Hebrew-speaking believers saying
that their widows were being
discriminated in distribution of food…
Brothers, select seven men who
are well respected and are full of
the Spirit and wisdom. We will
give them this responsibility. Then
we apostles can spend our time
in prayer and teaching the word…
These seven were presented to
the apostles, who prayed for them
as they laid their hands on them.
So God’s message continued to
spread. The number of believers
greatly increased (Acts 6:1-7).

Lord, grant me grace for continual
readiness and devotion to prayer.
Open my eyes & heart to understand
the great privilege You have given
me in allowing me free access into
Your throne room. Give me a heart
that’s hungry to spend time with You.
And as I do, prepare my mind and
heart for the work You have for me
to do for You & Your kingdom. Amen.

Lord, we realise that each person
has a vital part to play in the life
of the church. For we are created
in Christ Jesus for good works;
which God prepared beforehand
that we should walk in them.
So, prompt and lead each of us to
offer our God-given gifts and talents
for service in church ministries
and so live a life of purpose. Amen.

Lord, we ask You to especially
bless all those in full-time ministry.
We pray first of all for our pastors,
that You would bless them
and their families in every way.
We pray also for the staff & leaders
of our church to be blessed by You
Lord and to be led by Your Spirit.
Keep them safe and protect them
from any attack of the evil one.
And help them to stand strong
against every temptation. Amen.