Seeking God In John 20 (Oct 21)

Christ the Truth Teaches Faith

Following betrayal of Judas and
denial of Peter, John focuses on
the trial before Pilate & governor’s
futile efforts to release Jesus.
Yielding to political expediency
and mob pressure, Pilate sentences
Jesus to be crucified. Many of the
details John includes are unique:
soldiers casting dice for Jesus’robe
the spear trust into Jesus’ side;
the post-resurrection appearances
including to Thomas. Through it all,
John’s purpose shines forth clearly
to present Jesus as the Son of God
in His life, death and resurrection.

Lord, we’ll Believe without seeing:
Mary saw two angels in white sitting
where the body of Jesus was lain.
Then they said: Woman Why are you
Weeping? She said to them: Because
they have taken away my Lord…
Now when she turned around & saw
Jesus standing there… Jesus said: Woman, Why are you Weeping?…
Jesus said to her: Mary! She turned and said to him: Rabonni! Jesus said
to her: Go to my brethren and say
to them: I am ascending to My Father
and your Father (Jn 20:12-17).
And Thomas answered and said
to Him: My Lord and my God!
Then Jesus told him: Blessed are
those who have Not Seen and
yet Have Believed (Jn 20:28-29).
The disciples saw Jesus do many
other miraculous signs in addition
to the ones recorded in this book.
But these are written so that
you may continue to Believe
that Jesus is the Messiah, the
Son of God, and that By Believing
in him you will Have Life by the
power of his name (v30-31) Amen.

Father, thanks for the wonderful
fact that Christ is indeed risen!
Help us Lord to put every aspect
of our lives in that perspective.
Continue to pour out Your grace
and Your mercy on Your people.
Lead us to perfect freedom in Christ.
And let the joy to be fulfilled in
heaven will also gladden our way
on earth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we can turn very skeptical
when we go through tough times.
Like Thomas, we may want proof
that Your words are really true.
Help us Lord in spiritual matters
to just Believe whether or not
we see or understand all that
is going on. And when we do so,
we ask that You Lord will grant us
experience Your blessings. Amen.

Lord, your word says By Believing
in You, we will have abundant life.
Thank You for the peace even
when problem blew up in my face.
I purpose to turn to You; for I just
know my situation is in Your hand
& that You will lead me through it. 
Help me Lord to continue to draw
near to You in Word and prayer.
And may Your inner witness be 
my comfort and strength. Amen.