Seeking God In Luke 23 (Aug 26)

Christ Models Forgiveness

With attention to details, Luke
provides a full account of the
arrest, trial and crucifixion of
the Son of Man. He describes the
plot of Judas, the warm fellowship
of the Last Supper, the mental
anguish at Gethsemane, the tragic
denial by Peter, the miscarriage
of justice at the trials & the brutal
agony of the Roman execution.
But the dark days in Jerusalem
give way to the brilliant dawning
of that first Easter morning when
angels announce: He’s risen.

Lord, help us to Forgive others:
There were also two others,
criminals, led with him to be put
to death. And when they had
come to the place called Calvary,
there they crucified Him, and
the criminals, one on the right
hand and the other on the left.
Then Jesus said: Father,
forgive them for they do not
know what they are doing. And
the soldiers divided his clothes
by casting lots (Luke 23:32-34).
The leaders scoffed: He saved
others, let him save himself…
The soldiers mocked him too…
If You are the King of the Jews,
save yourself (Luke 23:36-37).

Lord, I pray You will help me
to forgive others the way You do;
noting that You willingly forgave
even those who are unforgivable.
For I can’t forgive the unthinkable
without You enabling me to do so.
Help me Lord to take my focus
off whether people deserve to be
forgiven or not and instead focus
on becoming more like You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, when You were led out
to be executed, after being beaten,
ridiculed and spit upon, You said:
Father forgive them. Lord, if You
can forgive those kinds of things
and You were totally innocent,
I can forgive the things done to me.
For the people who hurt me haven’t always known what they were doing or what repercussions their actions have.
Lord, help me to forgive. Amen.

Lord, we realise sometimes
Your plan for us doesn’t bring
instant victory or reward. And suffering, setbacks and trials
may even follow right choices.
Why these things happen we may
not know; but we can be sure
that all things will work for good to
those who love God and are called
according to His purpose. Amen.