Reflection on Luke 1-9 (Aug 14)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of the gospel of Luke
is to present an accurate account of
the life of Christ and to present Him
as the perfect human and Savior.
This week, we see the importance
to Trust, Seek and Follow the Lord.
On Monday, we learn from Luke 1
to Trust God of the Impossible.
On Tuesday, we learn from Luke 2
to Seek and Wait Upon the Lord.
On Wednesday, we learn from Luke 5
to Emulate Christ’s Care for the Lost.
On Thursday, we learn from Luke 6
to Follow Christ Our Solid Rock.
On Friday, we learn from Luke 8
to Respond to the Master’s Word.
On Saturday, we learn from Luke 9
to Hear the Lord’s Voice & Follow Him.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face… In Jesus’ name.