Seeking God In Luke 6 (Aug 11)

Follow Christ Our Solid Rock

Rejection in His hometown of
Nazareth causes Jesus to shift to
Capernaum where He ministers
for two years. There Christ calls
12 men calls 12 men to be His
travelling companions. And there
by the shores of Galilee He begin
to prepare them for ministry
He will soon entrust to them.

Lord,we purpose to Do What U Say:
Now it came to pass in those days
that He went out to the mountain
to pray, and continued all night in
prayer to God. And when it was day,
He called His disciples to Himself; and
from them He chose twelve whom He
also named apostles (Luke 6:12-13).
Then He lifted up His eyes
towards His disciples and said:
Blessed are the poor, for yours is
the kingdom of God (Luke 6:20). 
(Jesus said): Why do you call me
Lord, Lord, when you don’t do what
I say?… I will show you what it’s
like when someone comes to me,
listens to my teaching and then
follows it. It is like a person building
a house who digs deep and Lays
the Foundation on Solid Rock…
Anyone who hears and doesn’t obey
is like a person who builds a house
without a foundation (Lk 6:46-49).

Lord, we realise because of the
importance of the choice of the
Twelve disciples, You spent the
night in prayer with the Father.
For our hearts the lesson is clear:
Because we never know the
ultimate effect of major decisions,
Much prayer is needed before
the die is cast. Help us Lord to
be poor in spirit so that we can
claim the kingdom of God. Amen.

Lord, my heart is already Yours
considering what You have done
and I surrender once again to You.
My heart wants to accept Your will
and to do what You want me to.
But Lord, please share it with me
clearly; for only then will I have
the confidence that You are with
me in the challenge and dare to
undertake it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, You are leading me to lay
down my life daily. You say some
difficult things but also promise
great blessings for doing them.
Lord, I have to admit Your words
don’t always make sense to me.
And I am afraid to follow some of
them fully. But I do trust that You 
want my life to weather any storm.
Anchor me to the rock as I purpose
to follow You more closely. Amen.