Seeking God In Psalm 25 (Jun 22)

Trust Good & Upright God

Backgrounder on Psalms 25-30:
               As David penned these six psalms,
he thought of the multifaceted
character of God he served.
The Lord is Good & Upright (Ps25:8)
 My Light (Psalm 27:1),
My Strength (Psalm 28:7),
King Forever (Psalm 29:10)
and My God (Psalm 30:2, 12).

Lord, You are Good & Upright:
In You Lord my God, I put my trust.
I trust in You, do not let me
be put to shame, nor let my
enemies triumph over me.
No one who hopes in You will
ever be put to shame (Ps 25:1-3).
Show me Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths. Guide
me in Your truth and teach me,
for You are God my Savior, and
my hope is in You all day long (v4-5)
Dont remember.. my transgressions;
according to Your mercy remember
me, for Your goodness sake. Good
and upright is the Lord; therefore He
instructs sinners in His ways (v7-8).

Lord, we praise and thank you
that You are Good and Upright.
For You guide Your people and 
spare the faithful from shame.
Lord, I lift my soul to You for
You are good and I trust you.
No one who walks with You
will ever be put to shame. 
I believe that You will make all
things right in the end; for You
are a God of Faithfulness. Amen.

Lord, I would love an easy life,
free of all trouble and confusion.
But You have never promise such
an existence. In fact, the testimony
of scripture is that I may have
to go through challenging times.
Thank You for promising to direct
me in the truth. Give me wisdom
and courage so that I’m willing to
walk with You where You lead. Amen

Lord, thank You for Your goodness.
Because You are good, You came
to a sinful world to die for me.
Because You are good, You show
the proper path to those who go
astray. Because You are good,
I don’t have to strive to be “good
enough” to be acceptable to You.
But out of gratitude, I still want to
be good because of Your holiness
and what You have done for me. Amen