Thought for the Week: Esth 6/7

Waiting Upon the Lord

The king and Haman are invited to
yet another banquet. Esther’s wise
and timely delay allows the Divine
Director to stage Haman’s exit.
Meanwhile, King Ahasuerus has
trouble sleeping and tries to cure
his insomnia by reading the court
records. To his surprise he discovers
the unrewarded kindness of
Mordecai and orders Haman to lead
the procession in Mordecai’s honor.
Thoroughly humiliated, Haman
returns to Esther’s banquet, where
she reveals both her nationality
and his treachery. The king directs
his servants to hang Haman on the
very gallows prepared for Mordecai.

Lord, we Trust You are In Control:
That night the king could not sleep.
So the book of records… were read
before the king. It was found written
that Mordecai had exposed… two
of the king’s officers… who had
conspired to assassinate King Xerxes.
Then the king said: What recognition
has Mordecai received for this? And
the king’s servants… said: Nothing
has been done for him (Esth 6:1-3).
Lord, we will Wait for Your Timing:
The king and Haman went to Queen
Esther’s banquet. And while they were
drinking wine, the king again asked
her: Tell me what you want… I will
give you even if it’s half the kingdom.
And so Queen Esther replied:
My petition is that my life and the
lives of my people will be spared.
For my people and I have been
sold to those who would kill us.
Who would do such a thing?
King Xerxes demanded. Who would
dare to touch you? Esther replied:
He is wicked Haman (Est 7:1-6).

Lord, noted king Xerxes unable to
sleep and decided to review history
of his reign may seem coincidental;
but You God are always at work.
Trust events that come together
for good are not mere coincidence.
But they are the result of almighty
God’s sovereign control over the
course of our lives. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, when I’m anxious, help me
to remember that Your grace is
sufficient for me and Your power
is made perfect in my weakness.
Lord, when dealing with those in
authority, it is important to ensure
the timing is right before speaking.
So teach us Lord to listen to Your
voice and respond in obedience
on Your perfect timing. Amen.

Lord, because You are in control of
history, You are not frustrated by turn
of events and You’re able to deliver us.
Because we trust You God, we are
not to fear; but instead we are to
be confident that God is in control.
And we will purpose to act with
courage to follow God’s guidance;
knowing & trusting You’re In Control.
Lord, we’ll Wait for Your Timing; and
we’ll Seize the Opportunity. Amen.