Seeking God In 2 Chron 18 (May 4)

Prayer for Protection & Deliverance

Jehoshaphat knows the key to
spiritual revival in the nation is a
renewed interest in law of the Lord.
He institutes a nation-wide scripture
study program which God blesses
with peace & prosperity. In contrast
to his predecessors, Jehoshaphat
manages to make peace with the
king of Israel but becomes entangled
in a war between Israel and Syria.
His reaction to divine rebuke,
his appointment of judges to rule
“not for man but for the LORD” and
his Godward response in the face of
crisis all point to the reality of his faith.

Lord, we Seek Your Protection:
Ahab king of Israel said to
Jehoshaphat king of Judah:
Will you join me to attack Ramoth
Gilead? Jehoshaphat replied: let’s
first find out what the Lord says…
And the Lord said: Go ahead…
Now Ahab said to Jehoshaphat:
As we go into battle, I’ll disguise
myself, but u wear your royal robes.
When the chariot commanders
saw Jehoshaphat, they turned
to attack him, but Jehoshaphat
cried out and the Lord helped
him & diverted them from him…
An Aramean soldier however
randomly shot an arrow at the
Israelite troops & the arrow hit
the king of Israel (2Chr 18:3-33)

Lord, we are certainly not perfect.
And we note Jehoshaphat, king
of Judah made several errors,
including building an alliance with
Ahab, the wicked king of Israel.
And he asked for a prophet of God
but didn’t really listen when he came.
But one choice Jehoshaphat made
was spot on. Help us Lord to be
like Jehoshaphat even in the heat
of battle to cry out to You. Amen.

Lord, remind us that prayer is
not something that only happens
in the quietness of a moment.
Remind us that taking to You should
be part of every aspect of life,
the battles as well as peace times.
Remind and prompt us to cry
to You in our desperate moments
For protection and deliverance can
often be only a prayer away. Amen.

Lord, help us not merely ask for
Your direction but also to Follow it.
Strengthen my faith so that I will not
give up praying even in heat of battle.
For I realise the very next prayer
may be the one to bring deliverance
from the strongholds of the enemy.
Enable me to stand strong in prayer
and worship, giving thanks for Your
presence and delivering power.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.