Seeking God In 2 Kings 20

Prayer for Longer Life (April 23)

The epitaph over the tomb of King
Hezekiah might well have read:
Hezekiah, “Best King of Judah.”
Taking the throne at a young age
of 25, he soon establishes himself
as a great reformer by destroying
all traces of heathen worship.
Choosing to put his trust in God
rather than in armies, Hezekiah
often found himself on his knees.
In response to the king’s prayers,
God strikes 185,000 Assyrian dead
& extends Hezekiah’s life by 15 yrs.

Lord, we Seek You for Healing:
In those days Hezekiah became
ill and was at the point of death.
Prophet Isaiah went to him and said:
Thus says the Lord: Put your house
in order because you are going to die…
Then Hezekiah turned his face toward
the wall and prayed to the Lord saying: Remember now O Lord, I pray, how
I have walked before You in truth
and with a loyal heart, and have
done what was good in Your sight.
And Hezekiah wept bitterly. And
it happened, before Isaiah had
gone out into the middle court,
that the word of the Lord came
to him saying: Return and tell
Hezekiah: I have heard your prayer,
I have seen your tears; surely I will
heal you… And I will add to your
days 15 years (2Kgs 20:1-6).

Loving Lord and Jehovah Rapha,
You are my Healer and Deliverer.
In times of sickness or affliction,
I pray You will remember me and
heal me from anything that will
threaten to diminish or end my life.
Enable me to serve You longer
and ever more effectively and not
succumb to the plans of the enemy.
Remember me with Your health and
wholeness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, sometimes I just can’t
get my words to say what my
heart feels and can only weep.
Thank You for reminding me that
You hear me even when I can’t speak.
Thank You for seeing beyond my
words and understanding how I feel.
Thank You Lord most of all for
caring enough to respond when
You know that I am hurting. Amen.

Lord, I thank You that there is
no trouble, be it health, finance or
relationship, that’s beyond Your help.
When I bring my problems to You
when I cry out to You, You’re there,
listening and working in my life.
Although I may be distressed,
You’re my refuge, my strong tower,
and so I will run to You and be safe.
Thank You Lord for hearing and
answering my prayers. Amen.