Seeking God In 1 Sam 16 (Mar 30)

Prayer as a Still Small Voice

While Saul is still on the throne,
Samuel anoints David as Israel’s
next king. Young David then bravely
conquers Goliath, the Philistine
champion, and establishes a
lifelong friendship with Jonathan,
Saul’s son. When Saul realises that
David will become king one day,
he grows very jealous and tries
to kill David on several occasions.

Lord, we aspire Tender Heart:
Now the Lord said to Samuel:
How long will you mourn for Saul…
Fill your horn with oil and go;
I am sending you to Jesse…
For I have provided Myself a king
among his sons. And Samuel said:
How can I go? If Saul hears it, he
will kill me. But the Lord said: Take a
heifer with you and say: I have come
to sacrifice to the Lord (1S16:1-2).
But the Lord said to Samuel:
The Lord does not look at the
things man look at. Man looks
at the outward appearance,
but the Lord looks at the heart…
Then Samuel took the horn of
oil and anointed him in the midst
of his brothers; and the Spirit of
the Lord came upon David from
that day forward (1 Sam 16:7, 13).

Lord, in the dialogue between You
God and Samuel in the choice of
David for kingship we see a typical
pattern of prayer communication.
We notice phrases the Lord said…
and Samuel said…But the Lord said..
Your voice seems like a still small
voice that fell upon the inner ear
of Samuel like the voice of a man.
Grant us Lord the spiritual fitness
that make possible the discernment
of the divine word and will. Amen.

Lord, I am grateful that You do
not judge me the way people do.
You look on my heart to see
thots, attitudes and love for You.
Show anything in my heart that
should not be there and l’ll confess.
Remove sinful desires Lord
and fill my heart with Your love.
Make me to be like David a person
after Your heart. Create in me
a clean heart and renew a right
Spirit within me. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, the heart is just deceitfully
wicked and we only fool ourselves
when we think otherwise. Grateful
Lord that You show mercy to those
whose heart are not that pure.
Even as we seek to walk in
Your ways, please close the gap
between the image we try to
portray and the reality of our heart.
And grant us a heart of integrity
before You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.