Seeking God In Judges 13-16

Prayer in Perilous Times (Mar 19)

Even before his birth, Samson’s
destiny is clearly announced.
He is to be separated unto the Lord
for a divine mission, requiring him
to abstain from certain defilements.
Miraculous in his birth and equipped
with supernatural strength for the
task of delivering Israel fr Philistine
domination, Samson Instead spends
much of his life violating his Nazirite
vow. Because of lack of self-control,
he loses his secret, his hair, his
strength, his sight & eventually his
life; but not before God uses him in
a mighty way to avenge the Israelites
of their Philistine oppressors.

Lord, we Trust & Seek You for Help:
Again the Israelites did evil… so the
Lord delivered them into the hands
of the Philistines for forty years…
Maniah had a wife who was sterile…
The angel appeared to her and said:
you are going to have a son. See that
you drink no wine… not eat anything
unclean… not shave his head, for
the boy is set apart to God & he will
begin deliverance of Israel (J13:1-5)
Samson’s father & mother objected:
Why must you go to the pagan
Philistines to find a wife?… (They)
didn’t realise the Lord was at work in
this, creating an opportunity to work
against the Philistines (Jdgs 14:3-4).
Now the Philistines gathered to offer
a great sacrifice to Dagon their god..
Samson called to the Lord; O God
Strengthen me, just this once that
I may with one blow take vengeance
on the Philistines. And he pushed
with all his might & the temple fell.
So the dead that he killed at his
death were more than he had
killed in his life (Judges 16:23-30).

Lord,thanks for being compassionate
and gracious, having a good plan for
Your people & never giving up on us.
There are many things about
You Lord and Your promises that
are beyond our understanding.
But that doesn’t mean that they
are not true. For it just mean we
need to bring them to You in prayer,
in Trust and Wait upon You. Amen.

Lord, when we consider our own
sinful tendencies and inadequacies,
we find comfort we often can’t see
the full picture of what You’re doing.
We praise You Lord for being
sovereign over our lives; and
that You can cause even foolish
choices to work together for good.
We choose to trust You’re working
in ways we can’t yet see. Amen.

Lord, we realize Samson made
many mistakes; but then he came
to repentance, had a great sense
of need of God and Your strength.
Thank You that it’s never too late
to call on the Lord and that You are
ready to hear & restore relationship.
All Praise that You God are bigger
than all our failings and limitations.
Let Your purposes for Your people
be accomplished. In Jesus’ name.