Thought for the Week: Joshua 10

Prayer that Produces Miracle

The Israelites went out a second
time to Ai. This time they succeeded.
In working for the Lord there’s value
of human reason, but strategy
without obedience is worthy nothing.
The kings of Canaan formed a
league against the oncoming hosts.
But we read of the treaty with the
Gibeonites who played a trick
on the Israelites. Joshua prayed.
Then Joshua routed the allied army.
The haul storm and the prolonged
daylight which God sent helped
His warrior. The sun stand still
upon Gibeon when God’s work is on.

Lord, we Bolded Seek in Faith:
Then Joshua spoke to the Lord
in the day when the Lord delivered
up the Amorites before the
children of Israel and he said:
Sun, stand still over Gibeon;
and Moon in the Valley of Aijalon.
So the sun stood still and the moon
stopped, till the nation of Israel had
defeated its enemies… And there
has been no day like that before it
or after it, that the Lord heeded
the voice of a man; for the Lord
fought for Israel (Josh 10:12-14)

Lord, we see in Joshua 10 that
You God honors bold prayers.
Just as Joshua asked for a miracle
beyond anything He could perform,
we are drawn into a similar
faith relationship with You Lord.
Realize that in asking, You God
are still looking for action our part.
For we still have to put “bold shoes
of faith” on our feet, walking out and
believing that God is able. Amen.

Lord God Almighty, You have proven
You make the impossible, possible.
The sun stopped middle of the sky
& delayed setting almost a full day.
The cancerous lump seemingly
disappears leaving doctor shocked.
And other impossible things that
You do in response to our prayers.
We realise sometimes we will have
to take the leap of faith that says,
God can and will do the impossible.
So, we go before You seeking You
God to move somehow, someway.….
And when You do, it proves that
You’re still a God of miracles. Amen.

Lord, we note You fought for Israel
in the battle & You will fight for us.
Joshua remembered what the Lord
had done for Israel. He’s seen Red
Sea deliverance; he’s crossed the
Jordan River on dry ground; and he’s
seen the walls of Jericho crumbled.
Because of these, Joshua was able
to pray a bold and audacious prayer
and God gave Israel the victory.
Help us Lord to ask boldly for You
are willing to fight on our behalf.
Help us to follow You and stay with
U thru the fight; and we know that
You will fight for Your people. Amen.