Seeking God In Exodus 5-7

Prayer as a Complaint (Jan 20)

With his long period of desert
exile drawing to a close, Moses
becomes God’s choice to lead His
people out of bondage in Egypt.
When confronted by God in the
burning bush, Moses is far from
convinced he is the right man
for the job! But once his objections
have been answered & knowing
the Almighty All Sufficient God
can meet all his needs, Moses
goes forward to confront Pharaoh.

Lord, Listen to our Queries:
Pharaoh shouted… Get back to work!
No straw will be given to you,
but you must still produce the
full quota of bricks… Then Moses
went back to the Lord and protested:
Why have U brought all this trouble
on Yr own people Lord?.. Ever since
I came to Pharaoh as Yr spokesman,
he has been even more brutal to
Your people. And You have done
nothing to rescue them (Ex 5:17-23).
Then the Lord said: Now you shall
see what I will do to Pharaoh…
He will let them go… out of his land.
And God said: I’m the Lord (Ex 6:1-2)
But Moses said: I can’t do it!…
Why should Pharaoh listen to me…
So the Lord said… You shall speak
all that I commanded u. And Aaron..
shall tell Pharaoh to send the children of Israel out of his land.
Moses and Aaron did so, just as
the Lord commanded… And all
the waters that were in the river
were turned to blood (E6:30-7:2,20)

Lord, we note in Exodus 5 that
following an unsuccessful visit
to Pharaoh, Moses address to You
was unmannerly. The complaining
attitude was same as the Israelites
when they got tired of manna.
You however met the impatience of
Moses with patience & consideratn.
Help us Lord in times of pressure
to stay cool and be patient. Amen.

Lord, we may not like Your methods,
preferring & expecting like Moses
faster results and fewer problems.
But we realise when You God is
at work, suffering, setbacks and
hardships may yet still occur.
We can be sure however that
each hardship has a purpose.
When difficulties come our way,
Help us Lord to Trust You God
will do what is best for us; for You
are faithful and will not abandon us.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, like Moses, we have to learn
that response to Your call is not easy
or a pathway of continual success.
Just as You God did not state
when You would deliver Your
people from the hand of Pharaoh;
You does not always answer
in a time-table fashion. But grateful
we note You encouraged Moses
with a renewed commission
which resulted in obedience.
Be gracious with us Lord. Amen.