Seeking God In Exodus 4 (Jan 19)

Prayer of Excuses Unwise

With his long period of desert
exile drawing to a close, Moses
becomes God’s choice to lead His
people out of bondage in Egypt.
When confronted by God in the
burning bush, Moses is far from
convinced he is the right man
for the job! But once his objections
have been answered & knowing
the Almighty All Sufficient God
can meet all his needs, Moses
goes forward to confront Pharaoh.

Lord, we’ll try Not to Give Excuses:
Moses said: Suppose they will
not believe… So the Lord said:
What is that in your hand? He said
A rod. And He said: Cast it on the
ground… it became a rod in his hand,
that they may believe that the Lord
has appeared to you (Ex 4:2-5).
Moses pleaded with the Lord: I am
not very good with words, even
though you have spoken to me.
I get tongue-tied. Then the Lord
asked Moses: Who makes person’s
mouth? Is it not I, the Lord. Now go!
I’ll be with you as you speak, and
I will Instruct you in what to say. But
Moses again pleaded: Lord please!
Send anyone else (Exo 4:10-13)
So the anger of the Lord was kindled
against Moses… You shall speak to
(Aaron) and put words in his mouth… So he shall be your spokesman
to the people (Exodus 4:14-16).

Lord, help me realise that
when You ask something of me,
You also fully understand what
I need to complete the task.
And the past You have guided me
thru is also speaking to me about
the future You are guiding me into.
Show me Lord what You can do
with the things in my hands,
for all I have is Yours to use. Amen

Lord, we have tendency to give
excuses to avoid responsibility
as it may be inconvenient to do.
We may also feel inadequate when
called to perform tasks that seems
too difficult; especially if done alone.
But then God usually wasn’t asking
us to work alone as in Moses.
Prod us Lord not to hide behind
inadequacies but step out in faith
for You will Provide resources
to do Your work. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, we noted that You had
provided Moses three signs of
the rod, the leprosy and water
poured out as blood to assure
Moses that You God would under
-take what’s necessary for him.
So when Moses replied: Send
someone else to Your call, the
honours were shared with Aaron.
While he was a help to Moses,
Aaron was also a trial & hindrance.
Help us Lord to rely completely on
You for that’s the best way. Amen.