Seeking God In Exodus 1/2

Prayer Expressed as Groan(Jan 17)

As Jacob’s descendants continue
to multiply and prosper in Goshen,
they pose a growing threat to the
new Egyptian ruler. His plan to
kill all newborn Hebrew boys is
thwarted by courageous midwives;
and in this context of danger,
the child Moses is born. Destined
to become the deliverer of God’s
people, Moses enjoys the finest
education in Pharaoh’s court.
But when he seeks to deliver Israel
in his own time and way, Moses
finds himself fleeing for his life
to the desert if Midean. There he
spends the next 40 years tending
sheep and awaiting God’s instructn

Lord, we’ll Cry Out to You for help:
Now there arose a new King over
Egypt who did not know Joseph.
He said: Look the children of Israel
are more and mightier than we…
So they set taskmasters to afflict
them with their burdens (Ex 1:8-11)
When Moses was grown…he went
out to his brethren and looked at
their burdens. He saw an Egyptian
beating a Hebrew… When he saw
no one, he killed the Egyptian…
When Pharaoh heard of this matter,
he sought to kill Moses. But Moses
fled to… land of Midian (Ex2:11-15)
Then… Israel groaned because of
the bondage, and cried out to God.
So God heard their groaning and
remembered His covenant with
Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. And God
looked upon the children of Israel
& God acknowledged them (v23-25)

Lord, we note Moses learned
patience in the desert as he
tender sheep. Only when Moses
was truly ready did You God
appear to him in a burning bush
and send him back to Egypt.
Dear Lord, because I know You
want to use me in a significant way,
please help me Lord to learn the
lesson in patience You have set
before me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, I cry out to You for deliverance
from anything that keeps me from
becoming all You have for me.
Set me free from everything
that separates me from You.
Even in the midst of what
seems to be hopeless situation,
You can do Your greatest work.
For I know and Thank You Lord
that You are a God of miracles.
I pray You’ll do a miracle in my life.
In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Lord, we note that the groans
of the people of God were as
prayers in Your eyes. And we read
that “God heard their groaning,
God remembered… God looked…
and God acknowledged them.
Paul reminds us of the groaning
of the Holy Spirit in relation to
His intercession on our behalf.
Thank You that when our prayers
are too emotional for words,
Your Spirit takes over and the
inarticulate anguish is understood
and responded by You God. Amen.