Seeking God In Genesis 28

Prayer as Vow for Blessing (Jan 11)

Genesis 27-31 introduce Jacob
(deceiver) a man who truly lives
up to his name. The theft of the
family blessing intended for his
twin brother Esau, demonstrated
his scheming character. But it is
through Jacob that God’s promises
made more than a century and
a half earlier – begin to be fulfilled
in greater degree. During a 20-year
stay in Haran, Jacob works for
one wife and gets three more,
fathers 11 sons and a daughter,
and amassed huge quantities of live-
stock & servants – the nucleus from
which God will fashion a new nation.

Lord, we Come Nearer to Thee:
Jacob found a stone to rest his
head against and lay down to sleep.
He dreamed of a stairway that
reached…up to heaven. And he saw
the angels of God going up and
down the stairway. The Lord said…
the land on which u lie I give to u.
Behold, I’m with you & will keep u.
I will not leave you until I have done
what I’ve spoken to u(Gen28:11-15)
Jacob rose early in the morning
and took the stone… set it up as
a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
He named that place Bethel
which means house of God…
Then Jacob made a vow saying:
If God will be with me & keep me..
so that I come back to my father’s
house in peace, then the Lord
shall be my God. And this stone
which I have set as a pillar shall
be God’s house, and of all that
You give me I will surely give
a tenth to You (Gen 28:18-22).

Lord, we note Jacob being earthly
person, his prayers were related
to earthly things: increase of family,
herds and material possessions.
After all, God-given power to
multiply is equivalent to blessing.
Jacob revealing his earnestness
vowed a vow, seemed as if he
were driving a bargain with God.
Let not our attitude to prayer be:
God You do this for me and then
I’ll do that for You; but rather
out of gratitude to Him. Amen.

Lord, through the trials of life,
You God avails to be nearer to me.
As I grow more senior, I find I want to
be nearer to You; and as I draw near
to You God, You draw near to me.
Help me to recognise Your presence
and help me to have eternity in view.
Your holy presence challenges me
to be more like You, and Your love
encourages me to do Your will.Amen

Lord, Nearer my God to Thee,
nearer to Thee!
E’en though it be a cross
that raiseth me;
Still all my song shall be,
nearer my God to Thee,
Nearer my God to Thee,
nearer to Thee.
There let the way appear
steps unto heav’n;
All that Thou sendest me
in mercy giv’n;
Angels to beckon me
nearer my God to Thee,
Nearer my God to Thee,
nearer to Thee. Amen.