Seeking God In Genesis 25

Prayer of Plea & Inquiry (Jan 10)

Abraham’s faith is tested again
as God calls upon him to sacrifice
treasured son Isaac upon the altar.
Abraham obeys; and able-bodied
Isaac too submitting to Lord’s will.
For their faithfulness, God rewards
them with assurances of blessings
In the closing years of Abraham’s
life, there remains one important
detail: finding a suitable bride
for Isaac, who again shows his
submission to the Lord’s will.
The story of Isaac continues,
focusing on his family and work.
Though Abraham has died, God’s
promises to him live on in the
persons of his son Isaac and
his twin grand-sons, Esau & Jacob.

Lord, we implore & enquire of You:
Isaac was forty years old
when he took Rebekah as wife…
Now Isaac pleaded with the Lord
for his wife because she was barren;
and the Lord granted his plea,
and Rebekah his wife conceived.
But the children struggled
together within her; and she said:
If all is well, why am I like this?
So she went to inquire of the Lord.
And the Lord said: Two nations
are in your womb, two peoples
shall be separated from your body;
one people shall be stronger than
the other, and the older shall serve
the younger (Gen 25:20-23)
Esau said: I am about to die (of
starvation) so what is this birth-
right to me? But Jacob said:
First you must swear that your
birthright is mine. So Esau swore
an oath thereby selling all his
rights as the firstborn to his
brother Jacob (Gen 25:32-33).

Lord, we are encouraged that
You God hears and answers
prayers as proved by Isaac’s
petition for his childless wife.
We also noticed too that
Rebekah enquired of the Lord.
Those twenty years of waiting
show that You God does not
hurry the fulfilment of Your plan.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we noticed Rebekah had
questions for You on things she
did not understand in her life.
Many others in Scripture including
Job brought their questions to
You God expecting a response.
But asking God specific questions
with the expectation that He will
response to us is an act of faith.
Help us ask what’s Your desires?
How You feel about this situation
or that problem; how You want
us to see things differently;
what You want to teach us.
Plse share Your heart with us. Amen.

Lord, all that You have promised
and are preparing for those who
love You is of such great worth.
But it takes eyes of Faith to see it
and a willingness to wait for it
when so much in this world
promises immediate gratification.
Help us Lord not to be godless
like Esau in trading much blessing
to satisfy momentary craving. Amen