Knowing God In Matt 13 (Nov 18)

God Shares Kingdom Secrets

A turning point occurs in Matthew
12 where mounting antagonism by
the Jewish religious leaders erupts
into open denunciation of Jesus.
Because of their rejection, Jesus
begins to speak to them in parables
and explained only to the disciples.
After a rude reception in His home
town of Nazareth, Jesus withdraws
across the Sea of Galilee to the
regions of Tyre and Sidon in order
to escape growing opposition.

Lord, we’ll Respond to Your Word:
You are permitted to understand
the secrets of the Kingdom of
Heaven but others are not (Mt 13:11)
That is why I use these parables
for they hear but don’t really listen.
The hearts of these people are
hardened… they can’t understand,
and they cannot turn to me and
let me heal them (Matt 13:13-15).
The Kingdom of Heaven is like
a treasure that a man discovered
hidden in a field… He… sold every-
thing he owned… to buy the field.
Again the Kingdom of Heaven is
like a merchant on the lookout for
choice pearls. When he discovered
a pearl of great value, he sold
everything…and bought it (v44-46)

Lord, help me to be a true seeker
to hear from the personal God.
Help me to have an open mind,
ever ready to listen to You and
to believe Your Word of truth.
Give me the heart that can hear
Your mysteries, understand them
and internalise Your eternal truths.
Help me root out any attitude that
might block my hearing You. Amen.

Lord, where my heart hardened at
times, tell me I have turned You out.
For it’s tough to recognise hardness
in myself, and so I need to know.
Soften me up Lord, where there’s
any area of insensitivity in my life.
Draw my attention & heighten my
spiritual senses to Your promptings.
Renew my mind with Your Word and
help me respond with my heart in
prayer of agreement & commitment.
so that I will be transformed. Amen.

Lord, I want to see the great value
of knowing and being ruled by You.
Because I want to have everything
to be found in Christ as well as
everything the world can offer.
Even if it costs much to have You,
I believe I will not be losing out.
Don’t let me Lord gain the whole
world but then lose my soul.
Teach me to value those things
on which You place highest value.
And as I come with open heart,
let Your ancient words impart. Amen