Knowing God Thru His Names

Reflection on NT Scripture (Oct 16)

In the Bible, God reveals Himself by
various names, mostly related to His
ability to meet needs of His people.
So, the people of God in the Bible
call on the Name/Title of the Lord
for deliverance, victory, protection,
provision and many other things.
What’s true for God’s people then
is true for God’s people today too!

Whatever our present need,
God is the one who can meet
that need. And to call on God’s
Name/Title in prayer is to appeal
to that aspect of His character
that relates to our particular need.
Let’s reflect our learning over
the last four months on NT from
Gospels Acts, Letters & Revelation.

And here’s the listing of Thought for
the Week over the last 17 weeks.
To access, Navigation as follows:-
=> Scroll to Calendar
=> Select Month of 2021
=> Click Day of the Month

Jun 27: God who is Provider (Mt 6)
Jul 4: Christ Gives Gt Comm (Mt28)
Jul 11: God Answers Prayers (Mk11)
Jul18:Respond to Master’s Word(Lk8)
Jul 25:Savior Satisfies Longings(Jn4)
Aug 1: The Good Shepherd(Jn10)
Aug 8: Christ the True Vine (Jn 15)
Aug 15: Holy Spirit the Gift (Acts1/2)

Aug 22: Spirit Helps In Prayer(Rom8)
Aug29:Lord of Resurr Victory(1Cor15)
Sep 5: God of All Comfort (2Cor1)
Sep 12: God Supplies Needs (Phil4)
Sep 19: God of Faithfulness(1Ths 5)
Sep26:Gt Shepherd of Sheep(Heb13)
Oct 3: Shepherd of Your Souls(1Pet2)
Oct 10: Spirit who Helps (1Jn 5)
Oct 17: Lamb Sits on Throne (Rev 13)