Reflection on 1 John & Jude

Knowing God thru His Titles

The purpose of the letter of 1 John
is to reassure Christians in their
faith & to counter false teachings
while Jude reminds the church
of the need for constant vigilance
in order to keep strong in the faith.
This week we understand God better
thru knowing His attributes, mostly
related to His ability to meet needs.
On Monday, we learn from 1 John 1
about the Word of Life & Light.
On Tuesday, we learn from 1 John 2
about Advocate with the Father.
On Wed, we learn from 1 John 3/4
about Son of God & His Seed.
On Thursday, we learn from 1 John 5
of Spirit who Bears Witness & Helps.
On Friday, we learn from Jude that
God Keeps You From Stumbling.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.