Meditating Rev 14-16 (Oct 2)

The Lamb In Victory & Glory

Once again the 144,000 appear
in John’s vision, this time singing
a new song before God’s throne.
Angels in the midst of heaven
announce news that the hour
of judgment is come. The Son
of Man, suckle in hand, arrives to
begin the harvest day of the earth,
and those ripe for judgment are
cast into the wine press of God’s
wrath. Several angels emerge
with the seven last plagues,
which involve boils, blood, scorching
heat, darkness, pain, earthquakes,
hailstones and a titanic confrontation
at the place called Armageddon.

Christ came to earth as a Lamb,
the symbol of His perfect sacrifice
for our sin. He will return as the
triumphant Lion, the rightful ruler
and conqueror. He will defeat
Satan, settle accounts with those
who reject Him and bring His
faithful people into eternity.
Assurance of Christ’s return gives
suffering Christians strength
to endure. We can look forward
to His return as King and judge.
Lord, we Trust Your Mighty Power;
Lord, we Glorify Your Name; and
Lord, we Sing Your Praises. Amen.

Lord, we will Sing Praises of You:
They sang as it were a new song
before the throne, before the four
living creatures and the elders…
These are the ones who were
not defiled… These are the ones
who follow the Lamb wherever
He goes… These were… first fruits
to God and to the Lamb (Rev 14:3-4)
Lord, Your tender mercies and
sacrificial love for us constrain us
in gratitude to wholly serve You.
Let our whole being and nature be
consecrated for Your in dwelling.
Give us Lord loving and thankful
hearts; and may the Song of the
Lord be always in our hearts. Amen.

Lord, we Glorify Your Name:
Great and marvellous are your
actions, Lord God Almighty.
Just and true are your ways,
O King of the nations. Who will
not fear O Lord & glorify Yr name?
For You alone are holy. All nations
will come and worship before You
for Your righteous deeds have
been revealed. (Rev 15:3-4).
O Lord God Almighty, your deeds
are great and marvelous. You are
King of the nations and Lord of
my life! You alone are holy and
worthy to receive glory, honour
and power. May the things that
distract me and my excuses
for not spending time with You
fade in the light of Your glory.
Fill my heart with a sense of
Your greatness and majesty.
I adore you Christ the Lord. Amen.

Lord, we Trust Your Mighty Power:
Then the sixth angel poured out
his bowl on the great Euphrates
River, and it dried up so that the
kings from the east could march
their armies toward the west. Look,
I’ll come as unexpectedly as a thief!
Blessed are all who are watching
for me… And the demonic
spirits gathered all the rulers
and their armies to a place name
Armageddon (Rev 16:12-16).
Lord, as the world heads towards
Armageddon, the day of judgment,
we pray that we’ll fear You, worship
You and bring glory to Your name.
When we sin, may we be quick
to repent and to glorify You again.
Help us remember that You will come
like a thief; help us stay spiritually
awake; and help us be clothed each
day with Your righteousness. Amen.