Meditating Rev 7-9 (Sep 25)

Submitting to His Lordship

Before the seventh seal is opened,
John sees four angels place a seal
upon 144,000 servants of God.
Then the seventh seal is broken,
revealing the seven trumpets.
As each is sounded in turn, natural
and heavenly disasters once again
result: hail, fire, falling stars, death,
darkness, torment – plagues
which cause people to seek
death but not find it (Rev 9:6).

Lord, the revelation on end times
is both a warning to Christians
who have grown apathetic and
an encouragement to those who
are faithfully enduring struggles
in the world. It reassures us
that good will triumph over evil,
give us hope as we face difficult
times and gives guidance when
we are wavering in our faith.
Lord, we Repent Before You.
Lord, we Submit Prayers to You.
Lord, we Purpose to Serve You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Serve You:
They stand in front of God’s throne
and serve Him day and night…
And He who sits on the throne
will give them shelter. They will
never be hungry or thirsty; they
will never be scorched by the sun.
For the Lamb on the throne will
be their Shepherd. He will lead
them to springs of life-giving water
And God will wipe every tear
from their eyes (Rev 7:15-17).
Lord, trust that the promise that
You God will wipe out every tear
is not just for the Great Tribulation.
For the compassionate God we see
in Christ has the same compassion
for us. No matter what pain we
encounter, Your caring is unlimited.
And as we turn to You, U will also
wipe away the tears from our eyes;
not just in our heavenly future but also here and now. Amen.

Lord, our prayers rise to You:
The smoke of the incense,
together with the prayers of
the saints, went up before God
from the angel’s hand… And there
were… thundering, lightnings,
and an earthquake (Rev 8:4-5).
Lord, how grateful that our prayers
always rise to You in heaven
and You will hear each one.
Even the quietest prayers of
our hearts born out of faith
are as important as the loudest
prayers ignited by fervency.
Thank You Lord that You will
hear and answer them all.
How blessed we are to have You
as the center of my life. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Repent & Submit to You:
And there will be pestilences and
earthquakes in various places…
And because lawlessness
will abound, the love of many
will grow cold (Matt 24:7, 12).
But the people who did not die
in these plagues still refused to
turn from their evil deeds. They
continued to worship… idols…And
they did not repent (Rev 9:20-21)
Lord, we recognize and repent of
our desire to be our own masters.
You alone can cure us of this.
We freshly lay at Your feet our
imagined rights to think, feel, and
do as we wish.  Put Your thoughts,
emotions, and decisions in us.
We, for our part, freshly commit
to simply listen and obey. Amen.