Knowing God In Acts 4 (Aug 10)

Cornerstone Saves & Strenghtens

With Jesus’ last instruction still
in their ears, the disciples go forth
speaking words of eternal life.
Visited by their resurrected Lord
and empowered by the promised
Comforter, they fearlessly follow
their marching orders in spite of
mocking, threats & physical abuse.
The advance of the gospel is soon
opposed by adversaries;but prompt
discipline & resolute commitment
only serve to enlarge the church.

Lord, we will Share the Gospel:
Then Peter filled with the Holy
Spirit said to them: Rulers of
the people and elders of Israel:
This is the stone which was
rejected by you builders, which
has become the chief Cornerstone.
Nor is there salvation in any other,
for there is no other name under
heaven given among men by which
we must be saved (Acts 4:8-12).
O Lord, hear their threats, and give
us Your servants great boldness in
preaching Your word. Stretch out
Your hand with healing power;
may miraculous signs and wonders
be done through the name of
Your Holy Servant Jesus (v29-30).
And when they had prayed, the place
where they were assembled was
shaken; and they were all filled with
the Holy Spirit and they spoke the
word of God with boldness (v31).

Father God, free each one of us:
From the Timidity that worries more
about what others will think of us;
From the Selfishness that doesn’t
want to invest the time and
energy in other people’s lives;
From the Rationalization that says
it isn’t my calling or my season;
From the Indifference that affirms
truth but doesn’t act in them;
From the Busyness that dominates
our lives with non-essential things.
Replace these emotions & realities
with passion and mindset of one beggar pointing to another to
where bread may be found. Amen.

Lord, I ask that You would open
the eyes of my friends, loved ones
as well as the areas of influence
to see Your great salvation. And
I ask that You will give me the
appropriate boldness to see
opportunities as they arise.
And I pray that words be given me
that I may open my mouth boldly
to make known the mystery of
the gospel. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, You seems to speak most
clearly and give Your servants
greater boldness in times of distress.
Increased access to Your Spirit’s
blessings seems to accompany
increased hardships & oppression.
Perhaps that’s because intensity
of our prayers increased with
the intensity of our circumstances.
Or perhaps it’s simply because
You God gives us everything
that we need to follow You well.
Lord, we long for the boldness
and power of the early church.
And when we face with radical
hardships, bless us with radical
fruitfulness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.