Meditating on 2 Timothy 3-4

Be Faithful in Ministry (July 18)

Paul writes his second letter to
Timothy from a Roman prison
and death is imminent (4:6).
And yet the focus of Paul’s letter
is not on his own problems and
needs but on the problems and
needs of young Timothy who is
pastor of the church at Ephesus.
Paul, who has stood faithfully for
the Lord throughout his life, now
passes the same challenge to Tim.
There is no need to fear persecution,
when u serve the Lord of the universe
and endure hardship for His sake.

Dear Lord, we realise all believers
need a strong foundation for
Christian service does not get
easier as Your return grows closer.
Help us Lord Fix our eyes on You;
and grant us the strength we
need to be Faithful and Stedfast.
Help us to Receive Your Word;
help us to Fulfill Our Ministry; and
help us to Fight the Good Fight.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we will Receive Your Word:
All Scripture is inspired by God
and is useful to teach us what
is true and to make us realise
what is wrong in our lives.
It straightens us out and
teaches us to do what is right.
It is God’s way of preparing us
in every way, fully equipped
for every good thing God wants
us to do (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
Lord, thank You for not leaving us
to walk in darkness & for giving us
the light of Your Word to guide us.
Help me to cherish the wonderful
gift in Your holy Scriptures and
to receive its teaching for my life.
And guide my prayers through the
inspiration of Your Word. Amen.

Lord, we will Fulfill Our Ministry:
Preach the word! Be ready
in season and out of season.
Convince, rebuke, exhort, with
all longsuffering and teaching.
For the time will come when they
will not endure sound doctrine,
but according to their own desires,
and they will turn their ears from
the truth… But you be watchful
in all things, endure afflictions,
do the work of an evangelist,
fulfill your ministry (2Tim 4:2-5).
Lord, help us remember Your
exhortation and warning to work
while it is still day. Help us to
persevere in bringing others to
You Christ and to make disciples
so that they also will pass on the
Good News to further Yr kingdom.
And give us the strength we need
to remain steadfast and endure
afflictions that may arise. Amen.

Lord, we will Fight the Good Fight:
I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race, I have
kept the faith. Finally, there is
laid up for me the crown of
righteousness, which the Lord,
the righteous Judge, will give
to me on that Day, and not to me
only but also to all who have loved
His appearing (2Tim 4:7-8).
Lord, help me fight the good fight,
finish the race and keep the faith,
for I want to receive the crown
of righteousness from You.
Teach me to be a furious warrior
in Your army of faith. Let me
be absolutely immovable in the
trust I have in You. Give me an
overwhelming love for You and
everything that You stand for.
And lead me to love Your kingdom
and all Your people. Amen.