Meditating on 1Tim 1-3 (Jul 10)

Having Right Belief & Behaviour

Context: Timothy, a young disciple
discovered by Paul on his second
missionary journey, enjoyed a
unique relationship with the apostle.
Referred to by Paul as his “beloved
son”, Timothy ministered alongside with Paul as a missionary and later received the challenging assignment of pastoring the church at Ephesus.
Paul’s first letter resembles a manual
for building church leadership.
More generally, it is a rich mine of principles for anyone who wishes
to have impact in the lives of others.

Dear Lord, we realise that right
beliefs and right behaviour are
critical for anyone who desires
to lead or serve in the church.
Help us know Your Word, obey it;
and be wholly committed to Christ.
Help us Hold On to Your Word;
Help us Pray together in Unity;
Help us Be Above Reproach. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Hold On to Your Word:
(Paul wrote): Timothy my son,
here are my instructions for you,
based on the prophetic words
spoken about you earlier. May
they help you fight well in the
Lord’s battles; having faith and
a good conscience (1Tim 1:18-19)
Lord, with all the distractions and
obstacles that may come against
us, it will be difficult to stay on
a direct course or have the energy
to keep following the Master.
When the going gets tough,
I purpose to cling to what You
said into my life. I won’t depart
from it, no matter what the
contradictions I hear or think.
Help me to keep focused & pursue
the calling You have given. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Pray Together in Unity:
Therefore I exhort first of all
that supplications, prayers,
intercessions & giving of thanks
be made for all men (1Tim 2:1).
I want men everywhere to
lift up holy hands in prayer,
without anger or disputing (v8).
Lord, we realise that sometimes
Christians quarrel among ourselves.
We get caught up in unimportant
debates and useless arguments.
So Lord help us to be so devoted
to You that we maintain oneness
of the Spirit, even if we disagree
on certain things. I pray we will
be unified in our belief in Your
Word so that we will be unified
in our prayers before You. Amen.

Lord, we aspire Be Above Reproach:
A bishop then must be blameless…
temperate, sober-minded,
of good behaviour, hospitable,
able to teach… not violent,
not greedy for money, but gentle,
not quarrelsome, not covetous…
Likewise deacons must be reverent,
not double-tongued… not greedy
for money, holding the mystery
of the faith with a pure conscience.
But let these first be tested…
being found blameless (1Tim 3:2-10)
Lord, I want to be above reproach,
temperate, self-controlled,
not quarrelsome, not violent but
gentle, and not a lover of money.
Give me Lord understanding heart
to distinguish right from wrong.
Give me humility, meekness,
patience and charity. And give
me Your love and Your grace
so that I can serve You well. Amen.