Knowing God in Jeremiah 11

God who Test Righteously (May 4)

God instructs Jeremiah to take
a linen girdle and bury it by the
Euphrates River. Later he is told
to dig it up again. The result is
predictable: one ruined girdle,
unfit to wear any longer. And
the parallel is painfully clear.
Selected by God for a place
of intimate fellowship (just like
the girdle), Judah would now be
away in judgment for her corruption.

Hear the words of this covenant
and speak to the men of Judah…
Obey My voice and do according
to all that I command you; so shall
you be My people and I will be your
God, that I may establish the oath
which I have sworn to your fathers,
to give them a land flowing
with milk and honey (Jer 11:2-5)
I was like a docile lamb brought to
the slaughter… But O Lord of hosts,
You who judge righteously, testing
the mind and the heart, let me see
Your vengeance on them for to You
I have revealed my cause (v19-20).

Dear covenant keeping God,
For all things beautiful
and good and true;
For all things that seemed
not good yet turned to good;
For all the sweet compulsions
of Thy Will that chased and tried,
and wrought us to Thy shape;
We thank Thee Lord. Amen.

Dear Lord Jesus You said:
If a man love me, he will keep
my words; and my Father will love
him and we will come unto him
and make our abode with him.
Let my fellowship with the Father
and with the Christ Jesus have
this one aim: a life of obedience.
May the Holy Spirit enlighten my
mind, heart and hands so that I will
have power to do God’s will. Amen.

Righteous God, thank You for
the power of Yourighteousness
for from You flow might & strength.
Pour out Your righteousness
into our hearts. Give us relief
especially from divisions and
strife that comes from self-
centredness and silo mentality.
Instead engulf us with Your spirit
of love, grace and mercy. Amen.