Knowing God In Isaiah 9

Wonderful Counsellor (April 14)

Isaiah’s family life become an
eloquent testimony to the trust-
worthiness of his prophecies.
His firstborn son Maher-shalal-
hash-baz acts as a constant
reminder of the Assyrian treat
upon Jerusalem (Isa 8:1-4). But
in the face of trouble & darkness,
Isaiah proclaims a note of hope.
The people that walked in darkness
have seen a great light (Isa 9:2).
There is a coming a Child whose very
names instill hope and confidence.
Though shadows of judgment
darken the horizon, the redeemed
ones can sing His praises for the
ultimate victory is already assured!

All Praise to Wonderful Counsellor:
The people who walked in darkness
have seen a great light; those
who dwell in the land of the
shadow of death. upon them
a light has shined (Isaiah 9:2).
For to us a child is born, to us
a son is given & the government
will be on his shoulders. And
he will be called Wonderful
Counselor (Peleh Yo’etz),
Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).

Lord, You will bless us with Your
counsel & understanding because
You are our Wonderful Counsellor.
Let Your thoughts guide and
direct my steps in all I do.
Keep me Lord from my futility
of mind and shortsightedness.
Let me respect Your purpose,
timing & counsel in my life. Amen.

Lord Peleh Yo’etz, I have access
to the greatest counsel and the
deepest wisdom available to man.
And yet I make my own decisions
based on my own finite thoughts.
Forgive me for not seeking You in
all I do. Forgive me for not knowing
Your name moment-by-moment.
Help me open the floodgates of
Your counsel by digging into Your
Word & seeking Your face. Amen

Lord & Wonderful Counsellor, speak
in a way I can easily discern and
teach me how to hear Your counsel.
Lord, Demonstrate how important
it is for me to follow Your counsel.
Grant me success as I commit
my decisions and actions to You.
For You delight in offering Your
wisdom and delight to bless us.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.