Trusting God In 2 Timothy 3 God Gives Word of Life (Nov 15)

Paul writes his 2nd letter to Tim
from prison with imminent death.
And yet the focus of Paul’s letter
is not on his own problems and
needs but on the problems and
needs of young Timothy who is
pastor of the church at Ephesus.
Paul, who has stood faithfully for
the Lord through his life, passes
on that same challenge to Timothy.
There’s no need to fear when
You serve the Lord of the universe
and endure hardship for His sake.

Lord, we Receive Your Word of Life:
All who desire to live godly in Christ
Jesus will suffer persecution…
But you must continue in the
things which you have learned
and been assured of (2Tim 3:12-14)
All Scripture is inspired by God
and is useful to teach us what
is true and to make us realise
what is wrong in our lives.
It straightens us out and
teaches us to do what is right.
It is God’s way of preparing us
in every way, fully equipped for
every good thing God wants us
to do (2Tim 3:16-17). Amen.

Father God, You have shown us
in the Old Testament the need of
Man for redemption. Through the
gospels, You reveal the way to
salvation thro faith in Your Son.
And You have given us letters that
reveal Your heart & guide our lives.
Thank you for your inspired Word
which is more precious than
silver or gold. In His name, Amen.

Lord, thank You for not leaving us
to walk in darkness & for giving us 
the light of Your Word to guide us.
Help us to cherish the wonderful
gift in Your holy Scriptures and
also to receive its teaching
and instructions for our lives.
Spur us to desire to lead godly
lives and be prepared to withstand
testing of our faith in Christ. Amen.

Lord, thank You for revealing
Yourself through the Bible.
Your Word is truly a trustworthy
and invaluable guide for our lives.
It teaches and corrects us
as well as Prepare us spiritually
for whatever the future holds.
And we claim that Your Word
is alive and active and will be
our resource when in trouble.
Thank You Lord for giving us
Your Wonderful Word of Life. Amen.