Trusting God In 2Tim 1 (Nov 13)

God Helps Us To Do Right

Paul writes his 2nd letter to Timothy
from prison with imminent death.
Yet the focus of Paul is not his own
needs but the needs of Timothy
who is pastor of church at Ephesus.
The apostle who has stood faithfully
for the Lord through his life, passes
on that same challenge to Timothy.
And there’s no need to fear when
You serve the Lord of the universe
and endure hardship for His sake.

Lord, we will Hold On to You:
I thank God whom I serve with a
clear conscience… as I constantly
remember you in prayers…
greatly desiring to see you…that
I may be filled with joy (2Tim 1:3-4)
Stir up the gift of God which is in u..
For the Spirit God gave us does not
make us timid, but gives us power,
love and self-discipline (v6-7).
Therefore do not be ashamed
(to testify) for our Lord… but take
your share of the suffering… of
the Gospel in the power of God…
For I know whom I have believed
and am persuaded that He is able
to keep what I have committed
to Him until that Day (v8 & 12).

Lord, help us to not forget anyone
in prayers, especially those who
are lonely and feel forgotten.
Bring specific people to our mind
who need a miracle or deliverance.
Show us Lord who needs to
hear Your voice guiding them.
And enable the people we pray to
sense Your love in their lives. Amen.

Lord, grateful that we need not
be timid or fearful of challenges
for You promise empowerment.
Grant us grace when we turn to You,
we find the motivation of Your love,
the needed strength of Your power
and the discipline to do Your will.
And we do so in a way that draws
people to You Lord and brings
You all the glory. In Jesus’ name.

Father God, You are my provider;
Lord Jesus, You are my saviour;
Holy Spirit, You are my sanctifier.
And I dedicate and yield my whole
self to You God freely and forever.
At the cross Lord, You saved me;
and in the future, You will lead me.
I believe whatever I entrust to You,
You’re Able to keep what You have
Committed against that day. Amen!!